Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Other Federal Agencies Should Sponsor 2007 EJ Conference

We sincerely hope all of the other federal agencies will sponsor this vitally important conference. This is an opportunity to step forward and interact with professionals, community activists and other citizens and participate in a dialogue about improving environmental protection for vulnerable communities. The Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice has been operating for years and this conference is a great opportunity to share the programs and sucesses each agency has engaged in over the past decade.

The Department of Agriculture and the Department of Energy have stepped forward to sponsor this important forum on environmental justice. We are confident that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the progenitor of Fed EJ, will also step forward to continue its leadership in 2007. Wouldn't it be magnificient if a significant number of federal agencies spsonored and participated in this conference? The activist community and the general public are probably unaware of most federal activities that are designed to mitigate environmental injustices. This conference will be broadcast worldwide in one form or another and this is a great outreach opportunity to share mitigation strategies. We can all work together to achieve environmental justice. The conference organizers look forward to hearing from you.

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